10 Tips: How Students Can Revise For Exams More Efficiently

10 Tips: How Students Can Revise For Exams More Efficiently
Table of Contents
  1. 10 Tips: How Students Can Revise For Exams More Efficiently
  2. Before Preparing For The Exam Or Revising
  3. 1. Have a good breakfast before studying
  4. 2. Sleep well
  5. 3. Get rid of all distractions
  6. During The Preparing For The Exam Or The Revising
  7. 1. Create an effective time table
  8. 2. Make and pass your own exam
  9. 3. Study without breaks for no longer than 50 minutes
  10. 4. Use different creative study techniques
  11. 5. Learn simple subjects first
  12. 6. Do not overdo it with highlighter
  13. 7. Do exercises

There are so many ways how the student or the pupil can increase his efficiency during studying, preparing for the exam, or revising the information before the exam. But not every advice can work and not every technique is effective. We have analyzed studying tips and collected only the best of them here in the article. We have gathered all exam revision tips into several big groups.

Before Preparing For The Exam Or Revising

1. Have a good breakfast before studying

Recent studies have shown that almost 30% of people have the habit of skipping the breakfast. But in fact, this meal is the most important during the day. If you have to study or prepare for the exam, you should have a good breakfast. Otherwise, your attention, as well as your ability to recall information will be significantly reduced.

Students should take care of their diet during studying and exam session. They should avoid all types of junk food, and they should eat food which supplies continuous energy. Their brain will be grateful.

2. Sleep well

The biggest mistake of all students is that they think that it is not necessary to sleep well during the exam session. They don't sleep and eat well for a long period of time. They erroneously think that sleeping is a waste of their precious time. But they are wrong. They should understand the fact that they have to sleep at least 6-8 hours a day for feeling healthy and in order to be able to learn. 
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3. Get rid of all distractions

If you are preparing for the exam, you should put away all distractions:

  • Computer games;
  • Music and TV;
  • Smartphones and tablets.

You may think that this tip is obvious, but many students make this mistake. In fact, it is proven that phones can have many bad effects, and can harm the ability to study effectively. Students who use their devices for several hours a day are usually less successful and get lower exam grades.

During The Preparing For The Exam Or The Revising

1. Create an effective time table

If you are going to revise the material before the exam, you should create your own timetable. This timetable will include all the material which you need to revise or study and you can divide it into the blocks which should be covered and studied every day. Determine priorities and importance of the subjects. You must understand in which subject you are weak and devote more time for it. Remember about sufficient intervals between every session of studying and each subject. Breaks are extremely important parts of the timetable. If you have many writing assignments along with preparation for the exam, you can save your time for recreation and entrust them to professional writers.

2. Make and pass your own exam

When you are revising the material before the exam, ask yourself some questions. It can facilitate the understanding of the subject. The research has shown that the technique of self-testing is one of the most effective methods which allows improving students’ ability to learn and revise information quickly. Just test yourself and you will also see gaps in your studying.

3. Study without breaks for no longer than 50 minutes

Take regular breaks while preparing for the exams of revising the material. It is an important part of a student’s effective studying. It will relieve the level of stress and freshen the mind. Take a 10-minute break every 50 minutes of studying in order to be effective. During the breaks, you can have some energy snack.

4. Use different creative study techniques

Sometimes students have to pass the exam on a boring subject. In this case, they can use different alternative study techniques. They can convert revising into different types of games such as mnemonics repetition, flash cards. They can work in groups and use the technique ‘student - tutor’ when a student who have already revised some material teach this information to someone else.

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5. Learn simple subjects first

There is an idea that the studying can become more effective if the student starts revising from simple and introductory examples. And after that, he will proceed to general and abstract theories. So it’s better to understand several basic questions or cases of a general idea of the subject. The student should progress logically and move from the simple cases and details to the abstract theories and cases.

6. Do not overdo it with highlighter

Many students like to use a highlighter when they are preparing for the exam. They think that they highlight the most important parts and this can help them to study. Actually, it’s not true. People can recall the particular material in a better way if it is connected with other pieces of material. Highlighters in its turn don’t do it, vice versa, they isolate some pieces of material from the other text.

7. Do exercises

The best way to relax is to change the form of activity. Don’t study all day long. Take some breaks and do exercises during these breaks.

We advise you to read one more blog - factors influencing career decision making. You should be prepared beforehand.

So in this article, you can learn how to make preparing for the exam and revision of the information more simple. This process can be hard and challenging. Besides students always have so many assignments which they have to submit before the exam session. But there's only one of you, and if you don't have time for writing assignmens, get professional help.